Destination Image
The image of a destination is of central importance for destination marketing. Image maintenance and promotion are strategically relevant for destinations. A destination should be present in the minds of potential customers, stand out from other destinations and be perceived as particularly outstanding. The aim of this module is to measure and compare images of various domestic and foreign destinations for the German source market. The enquired destinations are selected in consultation with customers.
The module “Destination Image” provides detailed data on the positioning of the images of various destinations. The evaluations provide insights for target group-specific communication and product development. A deep understanding of the expectations and perceptions of (potential) customers is invaluable for designing and communicating suitable offers. The analysis of prospective customers as well as the differentiated investigation of their demands form a basis for needs-oriented communication. In particular, unknown strengths of a destination can be identified through the data and communicated more intensively in order to address potential new guests.
In addition, the data provide insights into the positioning of one’s own destination in the market compared to the competition. Similarities and differences can serve as a basis for strategic decisions.
Content of the module:
The image components queried refer to 19 product-related characteristics that are relevant for practical marketing work. In addition, the module question also includes whether or not a destination is perceived as unique. By linking it to the standard RA face-to-face program, the image of a destination can be examined in different target groups.
The same question has been asked in previous Reiseanalyse, so comparisons with previous years are possible for some destinations.
Module question (GER):
„Jetzt geht es um das Image von Reisezielen. Man hat von einem Reiseziel manchmal schon gewisse Vorstellungen, unabhängig davon, ob man schon einmal dort gewesen ist oder nicht. Sagen Sie mir bitte anhand dieser Liste, welche dieser Eigenschaften Ihrer Meinung nach besonders auf … zutreffen.“ (Mehrfachnennungen möglich)
- Schöne Landschaft
- Spektakuläre Natur
- Interessante Städte
- Angenehmes Wetter/Klima
- Attraktive Sehenswürdigkeiten
- Vielfältige Kunst- und Kulturangebote
- Interessante Tradition / Brauchtum
- Ansprechende regionale Küche
- Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Guter Service
- Gastfreundliche Bevölkerung
- Tolle Unterkünfte
- Gut geeignet für Urlaub mit Kindern
- Gute Bademöglichkeiten
- Gute Wandermöglichkeiten
- Gute Radfahrmöglichkeiten
- Gute Wintersportmöglichkeiten
- Vielfältiges touristisches Angebot
- Nachhaltiges Reiseziel
- Einzigartiges Reiseziel
- Habe keine Vorstellung von diesem Reiseziel (Einfachnennung)
Are you interested in more details or the results of previous surveys on this topic? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.
Reiseanalyse Module 2024 & 2021