The Reiseanalyse


The Reiseanalyse (RA for short) is a population-representative survey on travel behaviour of the German population. It has been conducted continuously every year since 1970 with an unchanged thematic and methodological focus – longer than any other survey in tourism market and opinion research worldwide.

More than 12,000 interviews annually form the basis of representative results on the travel behaviour of the German-speaking population. In addition to recording holiday and short holiday trips, the Reiseanalyse also deals with the potential of holiday activities, forms of holiday, interest in future travel destinations and many other topics.

On the basis of the so-called modules, the Reiseanalyse sets annually changing focal points and thus supplements the extensive standard programme of the survey.

You can find a compact overview of the most important information on the upcoming Reiseanalyse in our information leaflet.

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What is being examined?

The study deals with holiday trips of five days or more and short holiday trips of two to four days. Besides the description of holiday and travel behaviour, the recording of holiday motives and interests in the population is an essential part of the Reiseanalyse. The survey programme also includes the survey of potential interests for destinations, types of holidays and holiday activities.

Among other things, the following are examined:

  • general holiday motives and interests
  • travel behaviour for holidays and short break
  • experience with/interest in destinations and types of holidays
  • holiday activities
  • attitudes towards travel-related issues
  • booking place and booking channels
  • brand awareness and media use
  • Sinus-Milieus®

The Reiseanalyse is a participatory survey. The partners of the Reiseanalyse can actively co-determine the questionnaire contents and jointly finance the survey, depending on the extent of use. Partners and users of the Reiseanalyse are national and international tourism organisations, tour operators, transport companies, publishers, associations as well as universities and research institutions.


The Reiseanalyse is a participatory study. This means that everyone can participate as a partner in the costs of the study and use its results. The modular principle of the travel analysis enables the individual adaptation of the services included in a participation to the requirements and budget of each partner. You only pay for what you need.

Building blocks

In addition to the basic question programme and the modules, the travel analysis offers various other, optional additional “building blocks”. With these, each participation can be individually adapted to the needs of the partner.


The Reiseanalyse is modular. Everyone only pays for what they need. A prerequisite for the use of the data is participation in the study. Prices overview:

  • Partizipation: start at EUR 10.400
  • Thematic modules: start at EUR 5.500
  • Exclusive/use of additional questions: start at EUR 1.900
  • Analysis software incl. raw data: start at EUR 3.900 (all prizes excl. VAT).


Every year, more than 12,000 interviews are conducted throughout Germany as part of the Reiseanalyse, of which at least 6,000 are conducted in person (face-to-face) and 5,000 online. The surveys cover private holiday trips of one night or more and distinguish between:

  • short holiday (2 to 4 days) and
  • long holidays (5 days or more)
All results are representative of the German-speaking population aged 14 and over in Germany.


Together with the partners of the RA, up to three main topics are defined each year. As so-called thematic modules, these are examined within the framework of the Reiseanalyse by means of separate questions. After completion of the surveys, the results are made available to the respective beneficiaries in separate reports.

Recent Module Topics

Over the years, the Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen e.V. (FUR – Research Association for Holidays and Travel) has produced modules on a wide range of topics that can be booked individually as building blocks for participation.