Content Marketing
Content marketing has changed from a fashionable term in online communication to a serious and cross-media marketing task. The question now is not whether to use content marketing, but how and for whom. The aim of the module was to identify and describe target groups that are particularly accessible to content marketing in the inspiration phase of the customer journey. We defined content marketing for this module as “tourism communication measures in the inspiration phase that are primarily based on information, entertainment or narrative and generate purchase incentives via the customer’s interest in the content”.
An essential component of content marketing is “storytelling”, i.e. the packaging of messages in stories that at first glance have neither an advertising character nor necessarily a direct tourist reference.
Aim of the module
With this module we answered the following research questions:
- What content is interesting for (potential) holidaymakers?
- Which forms of design (formats, sender, tonality, address) are of interest?
- Which types of interested parties can be derived from the combination of content characteristics and design forms?
- How are the customers of different destinations or holiday segments distributed among the identified content marketing types? To which demographic groups and social milieus do they belong?
First, we used the RA online to measure the interest of holidaymakers in different content marketing contents and presentation forms in the inspiration phase. From this, it was possible to deduce which design features found particularly high acceptance overall. Furthermore, the individual responses could be combined (clustered) in such a way that types of interested parties could be identified. In a second step, we were able to quantify the volume of types based on the population-representative data of the RA face-to-face and relate the types to various travel behaviour data, such as visiting certain destinations or the use of organisational forms, means of transport and types of accommodation. In addition, we were able to combine interest with further segmentation data from the RA, from demographics to Sinus Milieus® to potential data (interest in destinations and forms of holidays).
Are you interested in more details and the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.
Reiseanalyse Module 2017