Price Increases and Willingness to Pay

Against the backdrop of price increases in all areas of social life, the question arises as to how much money is left for holiday trips and in which areas people are most likely to save.

The core of this module is to examine the consumer reaction to the progressive price development with a special focus on the willingness to pay for holiday trips. The focus is on the financial outlook of households in Germany and an examination of holiday travel budgets, as well as propensities to save on holiday trips.

Subscribers to the “Price Increases and Willingness to Pay” module receive the results of the “Update: Travel plans 2023/2024” module-special free of charge.

Content of the module:

  • Review of the holidays 2023
  • Holiday travel outlook 2024
  • Settings & Ratings
  • Identification and description of travel issue types

Concept question and evaluation program

  • Holiday travel expenses
  • Evaluations of own travel expenses
  • Areas in which savings have been and are being made
  • Perceived price increases
  • Willingness to pay
  • Holiday spending settings

Are you interested in more details or the results of previous surveys on this topic? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse module 2024