Inspiration and Information

Suppliers in tourism use different marketing tools in their advertising and customer communication. These are the touch points of suppliers with customers on their customer journey, which suppliers can actively control.

The module Inspiration and Information examines which of these tools are consciously perceived by the customer as a source of inspiration when preparing for a trip, i.e. up to the point of booking a trip, and which serve to actively provide information for the trip.

The following questions are at the centre of the investigation:

  • Which marketing tools does the customer consciously use as a source of inspiration when choosing a destination?
  • Which online and offline media are used to actively provide information for specific aspects of the holiday (e.g. accommodation, travel, activities)?
  • What has changed about this in recent years?
  • Who uses which instruments and what are the differences depending on travel behaviour?
  • What is the place of social media in holiday inspiration?

The aim of the module is to show you through which media your customers can be reached and which content and design options are relevant.

The module has been a recurring part of the travel analysis since 2016 and will be conducted again in the RA 2025. This makes it possible to show the development of holiday inspiration and information over a longer period of time.

Are you interested in further details or the results of previous surveys of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2025, 2022, 2020, 2018 & 2016

Product Requirements for Active Holidays Outdoors

2016: Outdoor Holidays

By “active holidays outdoors” or outdoor holidays, we mean a holiday trip with more or less sporting activities in nature.
Evaluations of current activities and holiday types show that although a specific outdoor activity (e.g. hiking or cycling) is an important reason for deciding to travel, people often look for a varied holiday experience on holiday that goes far beyond this activity.
If you want to design successful offers, you therefore need to know what (other) requirements potential guests have for their active holiday and which activities are particularly popular with which groups of guests. This requires up-to-date and reliable market research data for the German source market.

Aim of the module

The module Product Requirements for Active Outdoor Holidays provides this data by answering the following research questions:

  • Who goes on active outdoor holidays? How much overlap is there with other groups (e.g. cultural holidaymakers)?
  • How do people travel on different outdoor holidays?
  • What specific activities are the main focus of hiking, cycling or skiing holidays?
  • What special requirements do potential guests have for a hiking, cycling or skiing holiday?
  • Which domestic and foreign destinations and other types of holiday are active holidaymakers interested in?

Are you interested in more details and the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2015 & 2016


As a proven tool for addressing target groups and media planning, the Sinus Milieus are an important addition to the standard questionnaire of Reiseanalyse. They have been regularly surveyed in Reiseanalyse since 2012, and since RA 2022 the updated Sinus model has been surveyed, providing the latest insights into the travel behavior of the new milieus.

The milieu model for Germany the classic of social science social analysis. The Sinus-Milieus® model is continuously adapted to the socio-cultural changes in society. The updated Sinus-Milieus® 2021 reflect the new everyday reality in our society, which is shaped by political upheavals, digitalisation and extreme climatic events.

With the Sinus-Milieus®, one can thus understand people’s lifeworlds “from the inside out”, “dive into” them, as it were. You can understand what moves people and how they can be moved. Coupled with the key figures on travel activity, travel intensity, holiday motives and activities, a precise holidaymaker profile can be created for each milieu in order to adapt marketing communication to the respective segments.

The following questions are at the centre of the investigation:

  • In which segments of tourism demand are certain milieus conspicuously strongly or weakly represented?
  • Which travel behaviour and which tourist attitudes are typical for the respective milieu?

Are you interested in more details or the results of previous surveys on this topic? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Module-Special “Update: Travel Plans 2024/2025”

To enable an assessment of the current situation from the consumer’s point of view and to provide an outlook on the Germans’ holiday travel plans in 2024/2025, the FUR has again organized a module-special. For this purpose, an online survey representative of the population will be conducted with around 2,000 people in September 2024. The focus here is on recording holiday plans for the winter 2024/2025 and the summer 2025 in order to be able to estimate the demand for holiday trips and the reaction to rising prices in the short term.

Concept question program 9/2024

  • Requirements for holidays next 12 months
  • Travel plans (by season)
  • Planned destinations and types of holidays (by season)
  • Requirements for holiday travel under the given conditions (inflation, price increases, Ukraine, etc.)
  • Holiday settings

Are you interested in more details or the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a non-binding consultation.

Destination Image

The image of a destination is of central importance for destination marketing. Image maintenance and promotion are strategically relevant for destinations. A destination should be present in the minds of potential customers, stand out from other destinations and be perceived as particularly outstanding. The aim of this module is to measure and compare images of various domestic and foreign destinations for the German source market. The enquired destinations are selected in consultation with customers.

The module “Destination Image” provides detailed data on the positioning of the images of various destinations. The evaluations provide insights for target group-specific communication and product development. A deep understanding of the expectations and perceptions of (potential) customers is invaluable for designing and communicating suitable offers. The analysis of prospective customers as well as the differentiated investigation of their demands form a basis for needs-oriented communication. In particular, unknown strengths of a destination can be identified through the data and communicated more intensively in order to address potential new guests.

In addition, the data provide insights into the positioning of one’s own destination in the market compared to the competition. Similarities and differences can serve as a basis for strategic decisions.

Content of the module:

The image components queried refer to 19 product-related characteristics that are relevant for practical marketing work. In addition, the module question also includes whether or not a destination is perceived as unique. By linking it to the standard RA face-to-face program, the image of a destination can be examined in different target groups.

The same question has been asked in previous Reiseanalyse, so comparisons with previous years are possible for some destinations.

Module question (GER):

„Jetzt geht es um das Image von Reisezielen. Man hat von einem Reiseziel manchmal schon gewisse Vorstellungen, unabhängig davon, ob man schon einmal dort gewesen ist oder nicht. Sagen Sie mir bitte anhand dieser Liste, welche dieser Eigenschaften Ihrer Meinung nach besonders auf … zutreffen.“ (Mehrfachnennungen möglich)

  1. Schöne Landschaft
  2. Spektakuläre Natur
  3. Interessante Städte
  4. Angenehmes Wetter/Klima
  5. Attraktive Sehenswürdigkeiten
  6. Vielfältige Kunst- und Kulturangebote
  7. Interessante Tradition / Brauchtum
  8. Ansprechende regionale Küche
  9. Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  10. Guter Service
  11. Gastfreundliche Bevölkerung
  12. Tolle Unterkünfte
  13. Gut geeignet für Urlaub mit Kindern
  14. Gute Bademöglichkeiten
  15. Gute Wandermöglichkeiten
  16. Gute Radfahrmöglichkeiten
  17. Gute Wintersportmöglichkeiten
  18. Vielfältiges touristisches Angebot
  19. Nachhaltiges Reiseziel
  20. Einzigartiges Reiseziel
  21. Habe keine Vorstellung von diesem Reiseziel (Einfachnennung)

Are you interested in more details or the results of previous surveys on this topic? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2024 & 2021

Price Increases and Willingness to Pay

Against the backdrop of price increases in all areas of social life, the question arises as to how much money is left for holiday trips and in which areas people are most likely to save.

The core of this module is to examine the consumer reaction to the progressive price development with a special focus on the willingness to pay for holiday trips. The focus is on the financial outlook of households in Germany and an examination of holiday travel budgets, as well as propensities to save on holiday trips.

Subscribers to the “Price Increases and Willingness to Pay” module receive the results of the “Update: Travel plans 2023/2024” module-special free of charge.

Content of the module:

  • Review of the holidays 2023
  • Holiday travel outlook 2024
  • Settings & Ratings
  • Identification and description of travel issue types

Concept question and evaluation program

  • Holiday travel expenses
  • Evaluations of own travel expenses
  • Areas in which savings have been and are being made
  • Perceived price increases
  • Willingness to pay
  • Holiday spending settings

Are you interested in more details or the results of previous surveys on this topic? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse module 2024

Inflation and Prices

The core of this module is to examine the consumer reaction to the ongoing inflation and price development with a special focus on the willingness to spend on holiday travel. The focus is on the financial outlook of households in Germany and an examination of the holiday travel budget, as well as savings propensities for holiday travel.

Content of the module:

  • financial prospects of one’s own household and influence on the travel decision
  • time series data on household net income and holiday travel expenditure, analysis in conjunction with past inflation trend
  • willingness to spend and propensity to save on holidays compared over time
  • price and quality types of holidaymakers compared over time

Concept question and evaluation programme

  • personal/general economic situation
  • holiday travel expenses
  • holiday travel budget of the household (expenditure for all holiday trips of the year as a share of the household net income)
  • spending plans and saving measures for holidays
  • attitude towards price and quality in holiday travel

Are you interested in more details or the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Holiday Mobility

All means of transport on arrival and on site

In the RA, only the most important means of transport for arrival and departure is usually asked for each individual holiday trip. However, it can be assumed that the arrival and departure is often not only carried out with one, but with several means of transport (keyword “intermodality” or “mobility chain”).
In order to be able to design target group-specific offers, it is important for tourism providers to know which travellers use which means of transport for which holiday trips and which potentials there are for selected mobility offers. The results of this module provide a detailed overview of the entire mobility during the holiday.

Module content:

  • all means of transport on arrival and departure, mobility on site
  • criteria for the choice of transport
  • time comparisons with modules and special questions from previous years
  • Supplementary survey 9/2022: Use of the “9-Euro-Ticket” for holiday trips and short breaks in summer 2022

Example of draft questions: RA 2023 face-to-face

Which criteria play an important role for you when choosing the means of transport to get to and from your holiday destination? (Multiple answers possible)

  1. environmental aspects
  2. comfort
  3. inexpensive price
  4. flexibility in scheduling
  5. time-saving arrival
  6. few transfers
  7. short waiting time
  8. effortless luggage transport
  9. smooth journey from door to door
  10. mobility in the holiday region


Because some means of arrival transport (e.g. car) allow possibilities of on-site mobility that are not possible with other means of arrival transport (e.g. plane), the analysis of on-site mobility can only be meaningfully performed in connection with the means of arrival and departure transport.
We therefore supplement the standard question on transport use with a module question that provides detailed information on all other means of transport used. We distinguish between travel to and from the destination and mobility at the destination.
In the evaluation, we use the standard question on the type of trip to differentiate between so-called destination trips (to a holiday destination from which excursions may have been undertaken) and round trips.
In addition, we ask which means of transport would be considered for future holiday trips to the same destination. Here, too, we differentiate between travel to and from the destination and mobility on site.

Are you interested in more details and the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2023 & 2015

Special: Update on Crises 09/2022

In order to enable an assessment of the current situation from the consumer’s point of view and to provide an outlook on the holiday travel plans of Germans in 2022/2023, the FUR has organised a module special. The focus here is on recording holiday plans for the winter half-year 2022/2023 and the summer half-year 2023 in order to be able to estimate the demand for holiday travel in the short term.

The following aspects find their place in the concept question programme 9/2022:

  • requirements for holiday travel next 12 months
  • travel plans (by season)
  • planned destinations and types of holidays (by season)
  • requirements for holiday trips under the given framework conditions (Ukraine, Corona etc.)
  • holiday attitudes
  • price sensitivity

The results were presented in the form of a webinar on 30 September.

Are you interested in more details or the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Post-COVID Holiday Plans

There is no doubt that the Corona pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the travel behaviour of tourists worldwide. Within the framework of the Reiseanalyse, concrete reactions and new requirements of potential holidaymakers have been investigated in six survey waves since the beginning of the pandemic in spring 2020.

The RA2022 Post-COVID Holiday Plans module provides concrete insights into holiday plans for autumn and winter 2021/22 and spring and summer 2022.

The following questions are at the centre of the investigation:

  • What about holiday planning for autumn/winter 2021/22 and summer 2022?
  • What strategies have holidaymakers developed in response to the pandemic when choosing their holidays?
  • What requirements do travellers have for future holidays?
  • What measures would discourage travellers from taking a holiday?
  • How has holiday interest in the German source market developed and changed since Corona?

For this purpose, a supplementary survey with 2,000 online interviews was conducted in September 2021, representative of the population aged 18 to 75 living in Germany. Further module questions in the RA online (11/2021) as well as the RA 2022 face-to-face continuously provide further, up-to-date results. Are you interested in further details or the results of previous surveys on this topic? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.