Methods of the Reiseanalyse

Basically, all data of the Reiseanalyse are based on surveys of the German-speaking population in Germany. Within the framework of the Reiseanalyse, more than 12,000 interviews are conducted annually throughout Germany, of which at least 7,000 are conducted in person (RA face-to-face) in private households and an additional 5,000 by means of online surveys (RA online). The sample of the Reiseanalyse is representative of the German-speaking resident population in Germany in private households aged 14 years and older (for RA face-to-face) or aged 14 to 75 years (for RA online).

RA face-to-face:

The RA face-to-face focuses on travel behaviour during long holidays (5 days or more) and on holiday-related attitudes, motives, activities and interests. In the RA face-to-face, the respondents are selected via a multi-stage random selection: Ipsos, FUR’s long-standing partner for fieldwork and data collection, uses a close-meshed sampling network with over 1,400 survey locations. These so-called sampling points are distributed throughout Germany according to the distribution of the population. In each Sampling Point, Ipsos draws a starting address according to a random principle. According to the random route principle, the interviewers visit the target households and determine the target person there again using a random key (birthday key). The interview is conducted directly or at a later agreed time with this person in their household. On average, an interview lasts just under 60 minutes. The results are representative of German-speaking people aged 14 and over in private households in Germany (2024: 70.1 million people).

Germans and German-speaking foreigners:

Since the RA 2011, German-speaking foreigners with permanent residence in Germany have also been part of the population. As a rule, the results from the RA 2011 onwards are therefore presented for the entire German-speaking resident population aged 14 and over (German citizens and German-speaking foreigners).

All clients of the Reiseanalyse receive a comprehensive method description with detailed information on the population, the selection of respondents, the survey method, sample, interviewer controls, structural weighting and projection of the Reiseanalyse in a separate method volume. For the RA online, the selection of respondents, the recruitment of panel participants and quality assurance are specifically and additionally considered.