Sustainable Travel: Demands and Behaviour

The topic of sustainability occupies a broad space in the public discussion and refers not only to everyday life, but also to holiday travel. The module will examine whether the constant presence of the topic actually has an impact on the sustainability of holiday trips. In addition, it will be examined which concrete demands potential guests have and how they would like to inform themselves about sustainable tourism offers.

The following questions are addressed in the module “Sustainable travel: Demands and behaviour”:

  • What are the attitudes of holidaymakers towards ecologically and socially responsible holidays?
  • How relevant is the topic of sustainability in the context of travel decisions?
  • Have holidays and short breaks become more climate-friendly?
  • What expectations do potential customers have of sustainable holiday offers?
  • Where would holidaymakers like to find out about sustainable holiday offers?

Are you interested in more details about this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2020

Health and Holidays

This module examines how health-oriented offers must be designed and marketed so that they also inspire potential guests who are not explicitly interested in a health, wellness or spa holiday. The overall view shows what demand exists or what development can be expected in the future, how large the segments are and what themes and offers can be used to attract these groups in each case.

The module “Health and Holidays” deals with the following questions:

  • What developments and trends are emerging in the area of “Health and Holidays”?
  • With which health-oriented offers and activities can you inspire potential guests?
  • Which health types can be identified and addressed?
  • Are the guys more concerned with promoting mental health or physical health?
  • Für welche Regionen und Urlaubsformen interessieren sich die verschiedenen Zielgruppen?

Are you interested in more details about this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Module of the Reiseanalyse 2020 & 2015

Information on the Way

Use of information sources and online media on holiday

Searching for information online has become an integral part of holiday planning, not only for “digital natives” but also for a steadily growing proportion of the rest of the population. As more and more information can be accessed on the go and in relation to location, holidaymaker now have a variety of options for mobile internet use not only before but also during their trip. We examine by whom these options are used and how, and what the demands are for the future. Furthermore, we devote ourselves to different payment options and analyse who has which preferences.

The following questions will be answered during the module:

  • Which information options do holidaymakers use on the road, i.e. during the holiday trip? (online and offline)
  • How big is the share of holidaymakers who are online on the go to plan their current holiday trip?
  • What do holidaymakers find out about online during their trip? (e.g. weather, routes, activities)
  • Who uses apps, who chooses other information and booking channels on the road?
  • Which payment options are used on holiday and how great is the interest in different payment options?

he module enables the quantification of the importance of mobile internet use on holiday trips. Furthermore, the module shows which holidaymakers are online while travelling, what these holidaymakers use the mobile internet for during their holiday trip and what their interests are in this regard.

Are you interested in more details about this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2019

Nature on Holiday

Expectations of holidays in nature

“Experiencing nature” is one of the most important holiday motives in the German source market. For many domestic and foreign destinations and also tour operators, nature holidays are therefore a central component of the offer. In order to stand out from the competition, it is necessary to position one’s own product in a way that is appropriate for the target group. This is easier if you know what your customers want.

The aim of this module is therefore to examine holidaymakers’ expectations of a trip to nature, i.e. to find out how they imagine such a holiday trip and what they would like to do in nature. In doing so, we build on the findings from the nature holiday module of the RA 2012, but go one step further and identify different types.

The following questions are at the centre of the investigation:

  • What exactly do holidaymakers mean by “experiencing nature”?
  • How intensively and actively do guests want to experience nature?
  • Which nature experience types are there, how do they travel and which destinations are they interested in?
  • What do holidaymakers want to do in nature and what equipment is expected on site?
  • How luxurious does a nature holiday have to be?

Customers of the module receive valuable information that can be used as a basis for developing target group-specific offers and for marketing activities.

Are you interested in more details about this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2019

Customer Value

Personal effects of holiday travel

Holiday trips can have a variety of effects on the traveller. For example, one returns refreshed, healthier, with new vitality or experiences happy moments that become important memories.
These effects can be seen as the customer value or benefit.

Very often, such effects are also promised in advertising for tourist products; for many holidaymakers, the expected effects are important motives for travelling. We want to examine this presumed connection more closely here. With the expected results, we can for the first time make reliable and differentiated statements about the customer value of holiday trips. Destination and providers can use this as a basis to determine their position in terms of customer value and identify the need for optimisation.

We seek and provide answers to the following questions:

  • What effects do holidaymakers notice for themselves?
  • How do these effects relate to the expectations of the trip?
  • Are there different effects depending on travel or target group characteristics?
  • Which holiday experiences move the guest so much that they remember them in the long term?
  • To what extent do tourist offers contribute to such experiences?

The results provide better customer knowledge and help to optimise marketing decisions. The aim is to create a deeper knowledge of different product effects and to be able to draw necessary conclusions for one’s own product/destination.

Are you interested in more details about this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2019

Destination Experience

What is important to holidaymakers?

The selection of the travel destination is the most important conscious decision for most Germans when planning a holiday, as we recently showed in the “Travel Decision” module of the RA 2017. A look at holiday motives and country images also shows how important the destination is for the holiday experience.

For the first time, we are now looking into the question of how holidaymakers want to experience their destination and what is decisive for a successful holiday experience on site.

The following questions are answered:

  • How much do holidaymakers want to immerse themselves in life at the holiday destination? Are you concerned with getting to know and experiencing the destination? Or are you perhaps more detached and just want to see the attractions?
  • What makes a successful destination experience? What do people look back on with pleasure? Is it more the “hard” factors, such as the natural and cultural attractions on site or the tourist infrastructure? Or are they more “soft” factors such as contact with the locals, immersion in the foreign life and the local atmosphere?
  • What are the differences between different types of holidaymakers, destinations and types of travel?

Are you interested in more details and the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2018

Price and Quality

What is the focus of holiday travel?

Price and quality are essential orientation points in the holiday decision and a much discussed topic. The search for the optimal market strategy to position one’s own product/destination is the focus of the efforts of almost all competitors.

The module Price and Quality supports this process by identifying and analysing different types of buyers who differ in terms of their personal demands on the price and quality of a tourism service. Behind this is the question of for whom the quality and for whom the price is in the foreground.

The module takes up this discussion by, among other things, identifying and analysing different types of buyers.

The following research questions are to be answered with this module:

  • How large are the market segments of individual buyer types, i.e. how many Germans see themselves more as cheap tourists, price-oriented, quality-oriented or as luxury holidaymakers?
  • Who is behind these types of buyers?
  • Where do your customers fit into this scheme?
  • What played a bigger role in 2017 holidays: price or quality?
  • To what extent have the importance of price and quality in holiday travel changed in recent years?

The allocation of your customers to buyer types provides you with a basic planning and argumentation basis for your marketing. Furthermore, the module shows you which market segments can be better reached via the price or the quality of the service.

Are you interested in more details and the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2018

Travel Decision

It is important for tourism providers to have knowledge about the travel decision process of their current and potential customers. This is the only way to be able to influence the decision of the prospective customers at the appropriate time. The travel decision is a very complex process: it takes place over a long period of time before the holiday trip, there are often several people involved and it is usually not about one but many partial decisions that influence each other (the decision for a destination, for example, affects the activity options and the means of transport). The results of this module contribute to a better understanding of your customers’ holiday decision-making process and show you opportunities for influence.

Aim of the module

The following research questions were answered with this module:

  • When does the engagement with the holiday journey begin and when is the decision for a particular holiday journey made?
  • Which topics do holidaymakers deal with before travelling and which partial decision (e.g. destination or type of travel) is made first?
  • Which aspects play an important role in the decision for the destination?


First of all, we clarified at what point in time the first considerations are made and when the decision for the respective holiday trip was made, i.e. how long in advance and at what time of year.

In a second step, we determined which partial decisions played a role in the run-up to the holiday trip and which partial decision was in the foreground for the travellers.

Are you interested in more details and the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a no-obligation consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2017

Holiday and Water

Whether for swimming or sailing, as a picturesque backdrop for hiking or cycling, or as a calming element in a wellness holiday: it is undisputed that water exerts a powerful attraction on holidaymakers. However, in order to fully exploit the strengths of one’s own offer at or near the water, providers should know more about their potential customers and their motivations or needs. We are not only interested in holidays at the coast, but also in holidays at the lake, at the river and in the mountains (where you can see how a stream becomes a raging waterfall) and also in holidays in artificial bathing areas.

Aim of the module

We answered the following research questions in this module:

  • How important is water for (potential) holidaymakers?
  • What kind of experiences are guests looking for on the water? (e.g. water sports, relaxation, nature experience)
  • Where do holidaymakers want to spend their holidays by the water? (on the coast, in the mountains, in the lowlands, etc.)


For this module, three module questions were asked, the results of which we related to each other and to the results of the standard questionnaire.

First, we asked a question that showed us what value the water has for the holidaymakers.

Next, we clarified what the guests do on holiday at the water or which offers they use there. We evaluated the answers in connection with the first module question and the standard questions on travel behaviour (destination, accommodation, travel companions, etc.).

Finally, we investigated how popular different types of destinations are where you can go on holiday by the water. The initial focus was not on countries or regions, but on types of landscape or whether a holiday in an artificial bathing area would also have been an option. In the analysis, we were able to combine the information obtained with the results of the first module question and with the potential data from the standard programme (interest in destinations and types of holidays).

Are you interested in more details and the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a non-binding consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2017

Image and Uniqueness of Destinations

Images are structures of ideas, opinions and expectations and are composed of an extensive complex of ideas. Knowledge about a destination (“the sun shines there”) and the associated emotions (“great”) lead to an intention to act (“I want to go there”). In no other industry is image more important than in the marketing of travel destinations. Image cultivation and promotion are therefore strategic fields of action for destinations.

Aim of the module

The module answers the following questions for the participating destinations:

  • What image do certain destinations have in the German market?
  • What ideas about landscape, attractions, prices, service etc. are associated with the individual holiday destinations?
  • How does the image of these destinations differ from each other, where are the unique selling points?
  • Are these destinations perceived as unique?
  • How does the image differ in certain target groups and depending on the experience with the destination?


With the help of a module question, the image of selected countries and federal states was recorded on the basis of concrete, product-related characteristics that are relevant for practical marketing work. By linking it to the standard RA face-to-face programme, it was possible to examine the image of a destination in different target groups.

Are you interested in further details and the results of this module? Then contact us for a detailed module profile and a non-binding consultation.

Reiseanalyse Module 2016